Hacking Your Side Hustle for Growth and Passive Income | sidehustleera

Hacking Your Side Hustle for Growth and Passive Income

In Episode 39 of The Side Hustle Show, I’m joined by Mike Newton from HackingPhotography.com.

We discuss how to make a name for yourself in any business, how to score corporate clients (and why you’d want to), and how to generate passive income streams from a service business.

I met Mike at Affiliate Summit in January, just by randomly sitting at the same breakfast table, and I’m glad I did because he’s got a great business sense and a great side hustle story to share.

The conversation centers on photography, but I think the lessons can be applied across a broad array of different business models.


  • How Mike’s passion for photography evolved from hobby to side hustle.
  • How he got his first paying customers.
  • The foot-in-the-door strategy that leads to awesome goodwill and word of mouth.
  • The “aha moment” when one photo gig paid more than a month’s salary at his day job.
  • How he differentiated himself and began to land lucrative corporate clients.
  • How service businesses can leverage their expertise into passive income streams.
  • Mike’s process for creating and selling his first digital product, without any sort of online presence or following.
  • Why Amazon was not the right outlet for his Hacking Photography book.
  • Mike’s #1 tip for Side Hustle Nation.


  • MikeNewton.com
  • HackingPhotography.com
  • Mike’s Hacking Photography ebook
  • Fstoppers.com — the anatomy of a $100,000 shoot
  • Traffic and Conversion Conference
  • e-junkie
  • Clickbank
  • Mixergy — “gaming Amazon for leads”

Let me know what you think of Mike’s side hustle hacks in the comments below. Anything you can apply to your business?